Week 38 (Jan 2 – 8)

Overall: Holidays are behind us, and winter is on full display. The person hired to complete the installation and commission the slab heating system visited this week. Lucas wanted to check a couple things and let me know he has a boiler and other material on order. I finally gave up on the local family owned propane dealer. Their business is 3 miles away, and despite repeated calls, visits and their friendly promises to meet with us at the project site; are telling us – without actually telling us – they are not interested adding us as customers. Over the last 2 weeks, have observed three competing propane tank trucks lumber by our future home and will call each of them early next week. We need to purchase a propane tank and trench a pipe to the house. Exterior house siding began last week with a part time effort, and a similar amount of time this week. I am pleased to say we are nearly done siding the house. I have initiated a very detailed effort to identify specific cabinets for the kitchen & island, laundry room etc.

Monday: Working by myself after seeing Travis and family leave for their trip back to Olathe KS. Mostly housekeeping chores. Inside work on the house. Moved 2 pallet loads of siding from the driveway into the shop. There were 40 cardboard boxes covered with a tarp, but it wasn’t completely shielded from wet weather and if we have excess material, it can be returned for a full credit – but needs to be in a serviceable dry box.

Tuesday: Fully underway with siding installation, working the north wall of the house under the breezeway.

Wednesday: By myself today. Spent the morning inside working various projects to be completed before we can call for insulation. The afternoon was spent installing siding.

Thursday: Kyle was back and both of us worked siding installation. We split responsbilities with Kyle installing and calling out cut numbers, while I cut and trimmed siding pieces for him to install.

Friday: Started the day returning excess material to Menards. We had several extra sheets of pink foam board and a quantity of excess ventilated soffit. Both of those tasks were completed a few weeks ago. Ended the day and the week with the house siding installation nearly completed.

Saturday: Spent all morning at home, updating files, scanning receipts and creating new excel sheets to track where light fixtures are needed – room by room – and whether a light fixture has been selected, ordered or arrived. Drafting a similar spreadsheet for kitchen cabinet planning. Having Kevin provide a drawing with actual wall measurements that we can use to determine specific cabinet size, type & location. A few hours at 6619 in the afternoon, continued effort inside the house.

Sunday: Home all day, doing more of the same at the computer. I am eager to get out there in the morning, to pick up where we left it last Friday.

Week 37 (Dec 26 – Jan 1)

Overall: Happy New Year ! !

Kyle and I got underway with exterior siding installation. For the second week in a row – I took the weekend off with family visiting.

Monday: Stayed home all day – still very cold from the winterstorm that rocked most of the nation over Christmas.

Tuesday: Got started installing exterior siding. We are going with a vinyl product, made to resemble board & batten. Unlike dutch lap vinyl siding that is installed horizontally, the board and batten product is installed vertically. Lots of time consuming trim must go on the top and botom of the wall and surround each window and door opening, before the first piece of siding can be nailed up.

Wednesday: Working on the northeast wall today since the weather is dry. It’s really muddy from the melted snow, but the temperature is tolerable.

Thursday: Working on the southeast corner of the house today. Similar weather to Wednesday. Weatherman is calling for rain tomorrow, so we have saved the front porch for Friday.

Friday: almost completed the east wall of the house – see this week’s picture. I’m estimating we are 40% completed with house siding. Great progress as both Kyle and I had a learning curve on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Saturday: Travis, Lynn and the boys are visiting Bloomington over the weekend, so I am taking the weekend off.

Sunday: Same as Saturday. Starting Monday; I need to get out of bed earlier so I can get started on the house earlier. The last 4 windows for the west wall of the house are supposed to be delivered in 3 weeks. I have a list of tasks that need to be completed before we have insulation placed in the walls and ceilings. The goal is to have the chore list completed a day (or 2) before the windows arrive, and the insulation crew on site, the day after we install windows.

Week 36 (Dec 19 – 25)

Overall: We completed the ceiling over the breezeway, which will allow us to initiate exterior siding installation. A massive and fierce winter storm, stopped all work before the holiday weekend. VERY cold temperatures gripping most of the USA. Forecast has more normal temperatures returning for us by Wednesday next week.

Monday: cutting and fitting plywood for the breezeway ceiling. Purchased j-blocks needed as vinyl siding trim pieces to be installed around hose bibs and outside receptacles.

Tuesday: more of the same. we needed 20 sheets of plywood for the 12′ by 32′ breezeway. Then we had to cut and fit battens along each seam of abutting plywood.

Wednesday: Winter Solstice, AKA first day of winter. We installed the final batten late this afternoon. A gigantic winter storm has been causing weather related chaos in the western US and is expected to be here on Thursday afternoon, bringing brutually cold temperatures, snow and strong winds. With the front porch and breezeway ceilings completed, we are ready to begin siding installation. I have a couple appointments tomorrow morning, so have decided to shut down until after Christmas.

Thursday: Appointments kept, then drove out to Howard Ridge. I spent a couple hours at the site by myself, walking around both buildings, thinking and observing. I continue to discover minor enhancements and small things we can incorporate for little cost and are easy to implement while we still have open framing. I quickly document the idea and take a picture if appropriate and add it to an excel file / checklist I maintain. The vicious winter storm arrived on time this evening.

Friday: Minus 8 with a windchill of negative 25 this morning. Negative two degrees for today’s high temperature. The evening weatherman said that (high temp below zero) has only happened 18 times in Indianapolis since 1880. Awesome. Brrrrrrrr… Spent the day inside our cold & drafty rental home. Got caught up scanning receipts, updating various lists, and went shopping online for light fixtures. Found a site with stuff we liked at reasonable prices. Went on a shopping spree, purchasing 21 light fixtures, which seems like a lot (and it is) but we still have a long – long way to go with this important task.

Saturday: Stayed home all morning. More light fixture shopping, and visiting other sites for more ideas to enhance our home and shop. Alex and Lacey arrived from Oklahoma in the afternoon. We drove out the site for their first visit since construction got underway. They both said; pictures don’t provide adequate appreciation for what the project looks and feels like in person.

Sunday: Merry Christmas ! Spent the day relaxing at home, continued online shopping for building materials and producing this week’s post.

Week 35 (Dec 12 – 18)

Overall: Moving forward, although short days and cold temperatures mean fewer productive hours each day. Exterior siding was delivered, and the front porch ceiling was completed. Completed central vacuum pipes and fittings for both structures. Still pulling wires for shop equipment.

Monday: Pulling wire and installing central vacuum pipe and fittings.

Tuesday: Same as Monday.

Wednesday: Spent time measuring the kitchen, pantry, laundry room and great room north wall to create drawings for the purpose of developing detailed cabinet requirements. After that… back to pulling wire and working on central vacuum plumbing.

Thursday: Got Kyle back today, so worked on front porch ceiling. First exterior finish effort.

Friday: Continued effort on front porch ceiling. Must be completed (same as breezeway ceiling) before we can apply exterior siding.

Saturday: Completed front porch ceiling.

Sunday: Completed central vacuum pipe and fittings.

Week 34 (Dec 5 – 11)

Overall: The Brown county building department performed a rough-in inspection of framing, mechanical, electrical & plumbing systems installation. We passed with no problems. Fourth and final inspection will occur when we are done with construction, and passing that inspection is rewarded with an occupancy permit. Ordered siding this week and purchased material for the porch & breezeway ceilings.

Monday: Ran errands the entire morning. Lonnie arrived at the site for the building inspection after lunch. Passed the inspection, no problems. We are cleared for insulation and drywall to be installed. However, I have a lot of wires and other stuff going into the walls before I’m ready to call the insulation company.

Tuesday: Getting started on wiring yet to be pulled and central vacuum piping. Visited Black lumber for 3/8″ rough plywood to be used for front porch and breezeway ceiling.

Wednesday: ran speaker wires and cat 6 wire for cameras to the front porch.

Thursday: Kyle spent the day staining 19 sheets of plywood, while I spent the day installing central vacuum piping and fittings.

Friday: A repeat of Thursday for both of us.

Saturday: Spent the day at home. Planning, sourcing material, scanning receipts.

Sunday: Slept in and relaxed at home until afternoon. Used the afternoon to continue central vacuum installation, run speaker wires to the deck and breezeway.

Week 33 (Nov 28 – Dec 4)

Overall: We continue to inch forward. The onset of winter with cold temperatures and short days equate to fewer hours at the site. Kyle and I completed soffit and fascia installation this week (except for a small portion at the peak of the shop north wall. Called the Brown county building department to perform a rough-in inspection which is scheduled to be accomplished early next week.

Monday: Plumber and electricians on site today. The plumber completed his work for rough-in of pipes and drains today. Ralph and Joe are almost done with electrical rough-in. Kyle and I continue to work outside on fascia and soffit.

Tuesday: Both electricians on site again today. They advised me to call the county building department and schedule the rough-in inspection, saying they would be complete with electrical on Wednesday. Call made and the building inspector will visit on Monday next week. This will be the third of four building inspections. Structural framing, mechanical (heat & air con ducts), plumbing (pipes) and electrical systems (wires) will be checked for code compliance. Passing this inspection means we can get a crew to insulate walls and ceilings followed immediately by calling in the drywall installers.

Wednesday: Ralph completed electrical rough-in. Kyle and I continued with exterior trim. Just another day in paradise… wearing clothes in layers. A threat of rain tonite means muddy conditions tomorrow (sigh).

Thursday: We received a 1/4″ of rain overnight. Trying to walk around the outside perimeter means mud sticking to boots creating what I call mud snow shoes. We have lots of scrap plyood pieces, and use them as wood stepping stones. Road (or path) building instead of productive construction. It is what it is.

Friday: We nearly completed exterior trim on both structures late today. The north gable wall for the shop is taller than we can reach with the ladders and scafolding we have on site. Exterior siding is expected next week. We will rent a man lift to finish the fascia & soffit at the same time we install siding on the shop north wall.

Saturday: Spent a few hours at the site, taking note of things to be done after the rough-in inspection on Monday. Looked through the large box of fittings for the central vacuum system, which I hope to install next week. Finally, a thorough clean up for both buildings in anticipation of the building inspector. I have no idea how well general contractors keep project sites maintained (clean or messy) or if they straighten things up for an inspector. But my career in aviation tells me – if I am presenting something for an inspection, it should be clean and neat, as a direct reflection of the effort put into the project to be inspected.

Sunday: 20 degrees this morning, which came as no surprise. For obvious reasons; I closely watch weather forecasts. The morning was spent in front of the computer and drinking coffee. Went to the site after lunch to measure a number of things not called out on the floor plan drawing, to begin detailed plans for cabinets in the kitchen, pantry and laundry room.

Week 32 (Nov 21 – 27)

Overall: A good week, with decent progress installing fascia and soffit, and reasonable temperatures to work outside.

Monday: Continuing with the fascia and soffit (F & S) installation. Ralph was here for a few hours in the morning, making good progress on electrical rough-in. A late start for Kyle so we only worked a few hours in the afternoon.

Tuesday: Ordered exterior siding this morning, since I can’t find a contractor to do it. The materials should be here next week, at about the time we will have completed the F & S. The central vacuum pipe and fittings arrived today- after placing the order on Sunday afternoon !

Wednesday: F & S on the shop west wall today. We have developed a decent process with me cutting material and Kyle installing it.

Thursday: Thanksgiving ! Spent a portion of the day, looking for light fixtures on the internet. I have about a dozen light-fixture-dedicated websites bookmarked. Each website has an exhausting array of light fixtures. Rain is predicted tonight.

Friday: Received a 1/4″ of rain overnight, making it slightly muddy at the site. Not a problem – we attacked the west wall of the house which is where the deck is located, which kept our boots from becoming mud-snow-shoes. With nice sunny weather, we completed the first gable of four.

Saturday: Spent a couple hours at the site, measuring and planning for cabinets, etc. Unpacked the box of central vacuum bits and pieces. Went on a much needed housekeeping chore after that. Lot’s of wood scraps, wire ends, small parts bags, saw dust and wood chips in the house and shop as a result of the various trades roughing in their material. Still a construction site, with an improved appearance for both structures.

Sunday: Brief visit to get some measurements I forgot to collect yesterday. Back to the house to apply the measurements to various tasks after the drywall is installed.

Week 31 (Nov 14 – 20)

Overall: A full week of very cold winter temperatures. Working outside all day was exhausting. I increased the layers and types of clothing mid-week, making the situation more tolerable. I simply cannot find a siding contractor, so Kyle and I have begun installing soffit & fascia. Working on the portions of both buildings which will receive seamless gutters.

Monday: By myself all day. Working on central vacuum piping and inlet locations. Also worked on the shop electrical plan.

Tuesday: Kyle completed framing the shop 1/2 bath to accept the wall mounted toilet. I pulled wire in the shop building. Then outside to begin soffit & fascia installation.

Wednesday: All day installing soffit & fascia. Plumber also here today working to complete his rough-in task

Thursday: Warmest day of the week, but still in the low 30’s . Outside soffit & fascia installation continues.

Friday: HVAC crew was on site all day today, and completed rough-in of aircon ductwork, and ductwork for bath fans. Kyle and I installed fascia & soffit for the front porch.

Saturday: Stayed inside all day, didn’t even leave the house. Spent hours at the computer doing file maintenance, deleting emails, and searching for a wide range of construction materials needed in the next couple weeks. Also used the time to relax a bit. I was arriving home very tired all week after being outside in the cold all day. Hope to be more resilient in the coming weeks, getting accustomed to the winter weather.

Sunday: almost a repeat of Saturday, except for an early AM trip to Menards. My internet wandering, finally stumbled onto a terrific central vacuum website. Ordered 600 bucks of PVC pipe and fittings for the central vacuum system. On a side note; this was the first weekend since April that I was not at the site on Saturday and/or Sunday. Needed a break and it felt good to relax at home.

Week 30 (Nov 7 – 13)

Overall: Interesting weather… unseasonably warm and sunny until late in the week. Thursday was the temperature peak at 75 degrees. I was wearing a T-shirt, operating a backhoe and having a great day. 48 hours later; we had 3 inches of snow on the ground and temps in the 20’s. Talk about “just-in-time” – we installed the last four (4) first story windows on Tuesday and all the garage doors were installed the same day. Both structures can now be categorized as being “closed-in”.

Monday: Worked on soffit framing for the east wall of the shop and installing OSB in the house mechanical room. I designed a very wide roof overhang on the shop east wall (4 feet wide) to visually “shorten/reduce” the heighth of the wall with the garage doors, to draw more attention to the front facade of the house. The large overhang requires additional framing members to adequately support the soffit. The mechanical room OSB will allow the plumber to more easily attach and secure the myriad of pumps, valves & manifolds running the slab heat.

Tuesday: Pella delivered the last four windows that have been back ordered since May. We wasted no time getting the windows installed. The garage door installer arrived to do his stuff.

Wednesday: Second day of work for the garage door installation. The shop has scissor trusses and I specified having the garage door frame rails follow the rising lower chord of the scissor truss, keeping the rails close to the ceiling. This requires using a wall mounted garage door opener. More expensive than the typical install, but results in a much “cleaner” shop ceiling.

Thursday: Rented a backhoe to trench drainage tile/pipe from the west wall of the shop, breezeway and house down the hill away from those structures. When Kenny graded the driveway and parking areas several weeks ago, he also graded the back yard. There was no way to install the drainage tile without crushing them, while he was grading the same area with a bulldozer. The warm and dry weather allowed me to delay this task until rain was forecast. These buried pipes will take rain water from the gutter downspouts and discharge the water into the woods many feet west of the buildings.

Friday: Constructed an access door to the shop attic for insulation installers and to satisfy the residential building code. Framed the peak of the great room for the eventual installation of a big-ass ceiling fan.

Saturday: Working at home on the computer. The same old business of scanning receipts to collect and submit for construction loan draws, and searching for materials and ideas as we continue to go from rough-in to eventual finished aspects. Ordered a central vacuum.

Sunday: Off to Menards on a Sunday morning, with a shopping list of materials needed for Monday, along with browsing interior door options, kitchen cabinets, light fixtures, apppliances and so on…

Week 29 (Oct 31 – Nov 6)

Overall: Another week of dry and warm weather, which is appreciated because we are waiting on four windows for the house and garage doors for the shop. I really want both structures closed in before cold weather strikes. Our rural electric utility finally arrived to trench permanent electric service. Since breaking ground in April, we have been using extension cords plugged into a receptacle box we wired up on the the vintage electric pole. A leftover from the nasty mobile home on the site when we purchased the property.

Monday: Kyle constructed a bulkhead along the laundry room for the plumber to more easily install hot and cold pex tubing. Ralph was on site, and we spent the day pulling wires in the shop.

Tuesday: Ralph was here for a couple hours, then had other business to take care of. Kyle took the day off, leaving me alone to ponder a variety of design related decisions.

Wednesday: One more day by myself. While I want (and need) contractors here helping me get this project completed sooner, there are still a ton of decisions to be made regarding overall design, materials, etc. Having the site to myself really helps focus.

Thursday: Ralph and Kyle were on site today. Ralph and I worked on various electrical rough-in tasks to include temporarily installing 3 shop light fixtures that Ralph and Joe have and are willing to sell me at a reduced price. Kyle was fitting and installing deck boards. Great progress by both of them.

Friday: REMC showed up this morning. I’ve been hounding them for weeks and weeks. They trenched the main service cable from the neighbor’s utility pole (and transformer) that sits on the south property line, to the south wall of the wall house (a distance of 110 feet) No more ugly wood utility poles. Kyle completed installing deck boards. The deck looks fabulous ! The garage door installer called to say he would be installing all 3 doors on Tuesday. Then Pella called to tell me; the last 4 main story windows will be delivered on Tuesday. Yea ! !

Saturday: Drove out to the site very early (an hour before sunrise) to turn on the 3 shop light fixtures Ralph and Joe have offered to me. By observing how well the south 2/3rds of the shop were illuminated, I can work up a reasonable and appropriate solution of fixture quantities, layout and spacing. Back at home. spent the rest of the morning on the internet; researching residential central vacuums. Spent the afternoon at the site running wire for shop lights. I have a tentative shop lighting solution.

Sunday: Watching the World Series Sat night, decided to sleep in – whenever, no alarm. I enjoyed the time change for that luxury; woke up this morning, and the clock next to the bed said: 8:40 (youza !) but the iPhone said 7:40 (that sounds reasonable) Spent the day at the site. Marked trusses for shop light locations and assessed the strategy. Easily decided: 100% go do it – so I wired the shop ceiling for the north end of the shop.