Overall: Continuing effort to install exterior siding. The weather this week was mostly favorable for January. House siding is nearly complete and shop siding is approximately 40% complete.

Monday: Working on the south side of the house today. It was nice to have the sun on our backs.

Tuesday: Completed the south wall today, which means we only need siding for the east gable above the front porch and the narrow spaces between the (eventual) wall of glass on the west side. Began siding installation on the west side of the shop.

Wednesday: Met with a cabinet specialist at Menards to begin the plan for kitchen cabinets. Talked to the Fireplace Center to see what what we should complete for the wood stove flue pipe, up in the roof trusses ahead of drywall installation. Spoke to a drywall contractor, who will visit the site next week and will prepare a quote for us.

Thursday: Drove to Odon Indiana to retrieve custom ordered metal trim for the three (3) garage doors. Took the rest of the day off to rest from the effects of a shingles vaccine I received on Wednesday. It was the strongest reaction ever to a vaccine shot.

Friday: A rainy day (with occasional, sleet & snow), so we worked in the breezeway under cover to complete siding install on the shop side of the breezeway.

Saturday: Spent a cold and dreary winter day at home. Working on a wide variety of activities all dedicated to this construction project.

Sunday: A repeat of Saturday, another full day of things to consider and plan for as we move toward finishing the interior of both buildings. Spoke to Mike, the pro builder I’ve known since high school. He is coming out to the site next week for a walk through. I want an experienced contractor to let me know if I’ve forgotten something, or have done something I will regret. He also referred me to the guy who hangs and finishes drywall on his builds.

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