Overall: Holidays are behind us, and winter is on full display. The person hired to complete the installation and commission the slab heating system visited this week. Lucas wanted to check a couple things and let me know he has a boiler and other material on order. I finally gave up on the local family owned propane dealer. Their business is 3 miles away, and despite repeated calls, visits and their friendly promises to meet with us at the project site; are telling us – without actually telling us – they are not interested adding us as customers. Over the last 2 weeks, have observed three competing propane tank trucks lumber by our future home and will call each of them early next week. We need to purchase a propane tank and trench a pipe to the house. Exterior house siding began last week with a part time effort, and a similar amount of time this week. I am pleased to say we are nearly done siding the house. I have initiated a very detailed effort to identify specific cabinets for the kitchen & island, laundry room etc.

Monday: Working by myself after seeing Travis and family leave for their trip back to Olathe KS. Mostly housekeeping chores. Inside work on the house. Moved 2 pallet loads of siding from the driveway into the shop. There were 40 cardboard boxes covered with a tarp, but it wasn’t completely shielded from wet weather and if we have excess material, it can be returned for a full credit – but needs to be in a serviceable dry box.

Tuesday: Fully underway with siding installation, working the north wall of the house under the breezeway.

Wednesday: By myself today. Spent the morning inside working various projects to be completed before we can call for insulation. The afternoon was spent installing siding.

Thursday: Kyle was back and both of us worked siding installation. We split responsbilities with Kyle installing and calling out cut numbers, while I cut and trimmed siding pieces for him to install.

Friday: Started the day returning excess material to Menards. We had several extra sheets of pink foam board and a quantity of excess ventilated soffit. Both of those tasks were completed a few weeks ago. Ended the day and the week with the house siding installation nearly completed.

Saturday: Spent all morning at home, updating files, scanning receipts and creating new excel sheets to track where light fixtures are needed – room by room – and whether a light fixture has been selected, ordered or arrived. Drafting a similar spreadsheet for kitchen cabinet planning. Having Kevin provide a drawing with actual wall measurements that we can use to determine specific cabinet size, type & location. A few hours at 6619 in the afternoon, continued effort inside the house.

Sunday: Home all day, doing more of the same at the computer. I am eager to get out there in the morning, to pick up where we left it last Friday.

Categories: Uncategorized


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