Overall: Essentially a 4 day week w/Labor Day and a lot was accomplished ! The roof is done, and so is the concrete work. HVAC crew is nearly done, and plumber completed drains and vents.

Monday: Labor Day. Kyle and I did a 1/2 day. Kyle is still working on interior framing details – hurricane ties, blocking for drywall, etc. I spent the afternoon at the lumber yard getting Kyle more building material.

Tuesday: Arrived at the site early and was surprised to see a very large truck unloading pallets of roofing shingles. Later that morning, several vans and trucks arrived and within a couple hours, roofers were getting after it. Both buildings and the breezeway were done in one very long day.

Wednesday: Same effort for Kyle and myself – working on a plethora of things to do for inside framing. Also worked to get the east breezeway ready for concrete – tieing rebar and bracing forms

Thursday: Kermit and I placed and finished concrete for the east half of the breezeway. Kyle spent the day installing bulkheads to lower the ceiling where HVAC ducts have been routed

Friday: Concrete arrived early as scheduled (which is what we wanted). Not hot and in the shade, meant the wet curing concrete is on a slower pace for finishing, as compared a 90 degree day in the sun, making it an easier task for 2 old men. Turned out great. Thanks Kermit !

Saturday: Kevin loaned me his truck again and dropped it off Friday night, so I could get up very early. Menards opens at 6 AM. I got there at 6:15… loaded a ton of lumber onto my flatbed trailer for several projects yet to be commenced. Why so early ? no knucklehead customers to reckon with. It took over an hour to load all of the lumber, and the same time unloading at the site. Returned crappy pocket door frame kits back to the lumberyard our lumber packages and trusses came from. Finally a visit to Tractor Supply for fence materials. Planning to fence in a portion of the current backyard so we can – let the dogs out – rather than walk them in the yard on long leashes.

Sunday: Spent 7 hours today. sitting at the computer. Scanning 120 purchase receipts, numbering each one to correspond with a column in an excel spreadsheet, showing what that material, equipment rental, or contractor was doing/being used for. Needed by the bank to substantiate that we have spent our portion of this project, and are ready to draw loan $$$$ from the bank. Took a long time to shovel through all of the paper and digital tools. Sent all of the information via email this evening, so the bank will have it tomorrow morning.

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