Overall – a productive week, with hot and dry conditions. The stem wall for both structures is now complete and the plumbing is roughed-in.

Monday: Summer Solstice. The plumbers were on site all day, nearly completing their task. Said they would finish up on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday: Went to all 3 equipment rental business to rent a backhoe for the day, to dig the last 30 feet of footer along the east wall of the house. Nothing – everything available in Bloomington was being rented. Called the lead plumber and asked if he could do it (he had a mini-excavator on site for his task) He called the owner who said sure, $150 per hour. Having observed Doug operate that machine for the past several days – I said yes, knowing he could complete it in less than 2 hours. Done in an hour and they were gone late morning. Called for concrete to be delivered on Wednesday.

Wednesday: Just Kermit and I installing rebar for the footers and tieing it all together. Rented a compact tractor with a front loader so we could move gravel fill and dirt piles. It has finally dried out enough at the site to move subsoil as backfill on the outside foundation walls. Concrete arrived at 1PM. Footers 100% complete. Called Nelson (our mason) to let him know he could start anytime. Said he would be there Friday morning. They couldn’t tell him if sand and mortar would be delivered on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.

Thursday: More moving dirt and gravel with the tractor. We roughed-in electric service conduit from the south wall of the house where the meter base will be installed to both mechanical rooms (house & shop). The plan is for a 400 AMP service with 2 main panels – one in each structure. Also installed 3/4″ PEX tubing connecting the 2 mechanical rooms for the hydronic heat system. The plan is to emply a single boiler in the house to also provide hot water to heat the shop. Was pleased to see the truck delivering sand and mortar in the afternoon. Sent a text to Nelson, letting him know the materials he ordered were on site.

Friday: returned the tractor when the rental store opened at 8AM and proceeded directly to the site, arriving around 8:45 AM. Was surprised to see that Nelson and his crew were more than half way to completing the stem wall. Knowing that materials were delivered the previous afternoon, decided to start just after sunrise. They were gone by noon. Stem walls – complete. Spent the afternoon on a variety of mundane tasks (always something to do…)

Saturday: at home all day, updating the speadsheet with expenses, filing receipts, looking over the radiant heat tubing plan, straightening up the truck after a week of busy activity and stuff going into and out of the truck. Also tasks I’ve been ignoring around the house with car maintenance etc.

Sunday: more of the same. Arrived at the local Menards right when they opened the doors.. More employees than customers… I’ve done this for years. A long list of material to purchase and the no one in the store but a handful of customers. Rest of the day working out problems in a wide variety of topics. Troubleshot Carole’s no start issue on the E39 – bad battery. A little truck maintenance after that. Met with Mike Baker at his place. I need him (and his truck & trailer) to fetch and return a custom made tornado shelter from Somerville Tennessee. We need that appliance ASAP to keep getting ready for concrete. A very busy, yet – relaxing and pleasurable Sunday.

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