Title of this post is vague. Simply stating “ground” doesn’t tell anyone how wet or dry ground is – and that matters.

so, in what condition was the ground today ? funny you should ask.

the ground was….really wet. actually muddy (1/2″ rain overnite)… with freezing air temperatures. wait. and… light snow. I almost failed to mention – it was overcast with a north wind. Exceptional ! No, we did not celebrate with champagne. In fact, we didn’t stay very long and didn’t do anything – other than unload the backhoe.

Two words describe today’s milestone: real disappointment. But I’m already over it. I can’t control the weather, so I refuse to be angry when conditions don’t meet my needs. We’re going back tomorrow morning to accomplish more than we did today, and then the day after…

Stay tuned.

Categories: Uncategorized


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