Life is good. I’m still having more fun than I deserve, or maybe; having all of the fun a person possibly can. I’m living in the movie Groundhog Day, except in blog terms; groundhog month. June was very similar to May… and April. Made progress on a number of projects that I’ve been picking away the past couple months. I am never bored. I maintain a near term list of things to do, and get up each morning to review the list to figure out what I will work on. If it’s a high priority-must-do; it gets done. I strive to prevent chores & projects from making the urgent list.

This month’s image shows the deceased neighbor’s property. There is a derelict single wide mobile home that Bryant actually lived in. Stepping inside, it looks as though the mobile home was turned upside down and shaken, then returned to it’s current resting place. There is a small metal shed, partially crushed by a dead tree that fell during a severe storm last year. After the tree fell on the shed, tree limbs were blocking one lane of highway 45, so I cut and removed the limbs back to the edge of the pavement. There is an old GMC van that has seen better days, and a travel trailer in worse condition than the mobile home. Also scattered randomly all over the 2 acre parcel, is trash, and a lot of it. Extremely overgrown and grass hasn’t been cut in years. That’s the bad news. The good news – when we finally own the property, and have removed the travel trailer (hidden by the small tree at the property line), we will make that our primary driveway entry to our property. Currently, the driveway to enter our property is 300 feet further east on State Road 45 past the mailbox, and is an extremely tight hairpin turn off the highway onto the driveway. Currently waiting on our appraiser to provide his analysis, to help us determine a fair cash price. I have been working to come up with the cost to get rid of all the very large, large and small trash, which will be reflected in the offer amount. We have no intention to put a replacement trailer on the property and be landlords. The only idea thus far, is to provide a place to park a large RV or travel trailer, and rent the space like a campground, with space for one. Water, electric and septic are all on site.

Categories: Uncategorized


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