Overall: Another very productive week. Kyle is focused on interior trim around baseboards, doors & windows. I’m installing ceiling fans, light fixtures, receptacles and switches. Frequent and significant rain are preventing me from getting anything done outside, but that’s OK – we still lots to do inside, and I’m confident June will be a drier month.

Monday: Was surprised to see a large Ash tree on the ground 20-30 yards west of the deck. We are pleased and relieved it decided to fall downhill away from the house. It looked to be a healthy tree, but the exposed root ball had much fewer roots than expected. Losing that very large tree certainly opened up the back yard looking west which is nice. But right now, I’m seeing it as another mess to clean up.

Tuesday: More of the same with Kyle triming out the house. I installed smoke detectors and other electrical stuff.

Wednesday: Light fixtures arrived at our rental home yesterday, so I had fixtures to install today. I created a spreadsheet several weeks when we were trying keep track of light fixture sourcing status. The excel product listed all fixtures (by type) room by room. It allowed Carole and I see see what still needed to be sourced, ordered and installed. Some lights have been easy to select, other fixtures have very difficult to choose. We are rather particular – and on a budget – so price point is a big deal. Out of curiousity I decided to add up everything and was shocked to see a total of 109 light fixtures for the house, shop and breezeway ! We are close to having the remaining few fixtures selected and ordered.

Thursday: Same work for both Kyle and I today.

Friday: Finishing up the week, the same way it started. Lots of doors, windows and baseboard to be measured, cut and installed. Working by himself – Kyle is getting it done for us. Really happy to have him as our carpenter. He really knows his stuff. Me ? same-same. Recall – 109 light fixtures, and switches for all of that, and receptacles, and ceiling fans.

Saturday: Needed a break, so Carole and I drove out to Howard Ridge so she could see the results of our recent efforts. Spent the rest of the day at home, working on an article for the BMW club magazine, and updating construction files, scanning the latest receipts, etc.

Sunday: UPS dropped off more ceiling fans on Friday, so I had planned to install them today. When I walked onto the breezeway and looked at the cut limestone steps, decided that would be a more entertaining puzzle to solve; seeing if I could move and place the steps by myself. Using pieces of pipe as rollers, furniture dollies, prybars as levers, shims, and a trusty Bloomfield jack – was quite satisfied I was able to accomplish that task and without any heavy lifting. Several more pictures are posted on Facebook.

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