Overall: Reached a significant milestone/tollgate this week. The interior spaces of both building are completely painted. Weather has been sunny and warm all week, finally drying out the bare areas of yard. I rented a trenching machine late in the week to complete unfinished water and electrical needs.

Monday: Paint crew is on site and applying primer or paint, depending which building they are in. For me – more online research and shopping.

Tuesday: Drove to Indianapolis to pick up the vinyl plank flooring to be installed in the house. Painters are still painting…

Wednesday: Kyle started framing the east and west ends of the breezeway in preparation of eventually installing screens. I worked on site preparation to rent a trencher tomorrow

Thursday: Got the trencher and went to work while Kyle worked on breezeway framing. Ran a trench for an RV shore power receptacle from the south side of the house. Also trenched electrical wire to the future location of a combination lawn equipment & chicken coop shed. Finally, trenched a water line from the meter base to the future shed. A lesson in flexibility applies here. The original planned location for the shed became impossible, when the trencher would hit tree roots or large stones. Had to stop and assess my options. Made the decision to relocate the future shed, and was able to complete the water and electric service trenches without difficulty. The new location is less desirable, but will be workable.

Friday: Returned the trencher and spent the day, laying in the water line and electric wires before backfilling the open trenches. Arrived at the site around 9AM to discover a large truck and a crew blowing insulation into the attics. YIKES ! I still had work to do in the attic, and spoke to the insulation company earlier in the week and we decided they could start on April 19th. I stopped their effort while I called the coordinater. At first she disagreed with me, so I said: check your email “sent items folder” and look for your reply to me on April 11th at 11:30AM. Whooopsie… lol. We all make mistakes and she quickly admitted to her scheduling goof up.

Saturday: Spent the morning working in the attic. I neglected to include RG6 cable to employ an outdoor FM antenna for music receivers in the house and shop. I also needed to pull wires for the central vacuum from the attic space in the shop into the shop mechanical room. Also needed to terminate shop security camera wiring from the attic into the mechanical room. Was getting hot in the attic by 11, so spent the afternoon moving scaffolds, ladders, extension cords, tools, light fixtures, etc and etc. We emptied both buildings before the drywallers arrived. Now that painting is complete – time to move back in.

Sunday: Much cooler weather today, was able to complete everything electrical in the attic. An entire day of up and down ladders in and out of the house and shop attic space. I’m already stiff and sore from the workout, so tomorrow should be delightful. The good news: we are 100% ready for blow in insulation next week.

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