Overall: Lost this week due to COVID-19 infecting Carole and I. Fortunately… both buildings are on hold, waiting for drywall. Getting COVID could have happened in the middle of work/tasks that required 100% of my time, effort and attention, and that – while not devastating, would have meant a full week of important shit not getting done.

Monday: Sunny and Seventy degrees today… WOO HOO ! Carole and I sat on the front porch at our current residence enjoying happy hour outside. Weather forecaster says we will return to normal (40’s) temps for the remainder of the week. Came home not feeling the best, with very mild flu symptoms. Carole was quick to administer a COVID test. Yup – tested positive.

Tuesday: Woke up feeling mild flu symptoms, similar to yesterday. Correctly decided to stay home and rest. We will see what tomorrow brings. If me getting sick was another construction-project-test-of-commitment (like having to move our household last August), I can’t imagine better timing. Both buildings are ready for drywall, but the guy we hired is busy, and likely won’t start on our project until next week. Carole tested positive today. She spoke to our primary care physician – and he got us Paxlovid to take for the next 5 days.

Wednesday: Both Carole and I feeling sicker / worse today. Hoping the Paxlovid pills shorten our COVID experience. Our drywall guy called to confirm they are on track to begin hanging drywall next Wednesday.

Thursday: Still at home, resting. No improvement, feeling similar to Wednesday. Sore throat, raspy cough, normal temperatures, weak and achy all over.

Friday: Finally, beginning to feel better. Significantly better actually. Don’t know if the Paxlovid gets the credit, or if this is my body’s response to the virus. Staying at home today and resting.

Saturday: Feeling better this morning. Carole is still suffering. Spent a couple hours at the site with Kyle, working the pre-drywall punch list. So many little details before walls and ceiling are closed off. We really want to catch everything, so we don’t have to open up drywall for access to… something we neglected.

Sunday: Feeling better and better. Out to the site by myself for the afternoon. Nearly completed the punchlist today.

Categories: Uncategorized


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