Overall: Interesting weather… unseasonably warm and sunny until late in the week. Thursday was the temperature peak at 75 degrees. I was wearing a T-shirt, operating a backhoe and having a great day. 48 hours later; we had 3 inches of snow on the ground and temps in the 20’s. Talk about “just-in-time” – we installed the last four (4) first story windows on Tuesday and all the garage doors were installed the same day. Both structures can now be categorized as being “closed-in”.

Monday: Worked on soffit framing for the east wall of the shop and installing OSB in the house mechanical room. I designed a very wide roof overhang on the shop east wall (4 feet wide) to visually “shorten/reduce” the heighth of the wall with the garage doors, to draw more attention to the front facade of the house. The large overhang requires additional framing members to adequately support the soffit. The mechanical room OSB will allow the plumber to more easily attach and secure the myriad of pumps, valves & manifolds running the slab heat.

Tuesday: Pella delivered the last four windows that have been back ordered since May. We wasted no time getting the windows installed. The garage door installer arrived to do his stuff.

Wednesday: Second day of work for the garage door installation. The shop has scissor trusses and I specified having the garage door frame rails follow the rising lower chord of the scissor truss, keeping the rails close to the ceiling. This requires using a wall mounted garage door opener. More expensive than the typical install, but results in a much “cleaner” shop ceiling.

Thursday: Rented a backhoe to trench drainage tile/pipe from the west wall of the shop, breezeway and house down the hill away from those structures. When Kenny graded the driveway and parking areas several weeks ago, he also graded the back yard. There was no way to install the drainage tile without crushing them, while he was grading the same area with a bulldozer. The warm and dry weather allowed me to delay this task until rain was forecast. These buried pipes will take rain water from the gutter downspouts and discharge the water into the woods many feet west of the buildings.

Friday: Constructed an access door to the shop attic for insulation installers and to satisfy the residential building code. Framed the peak of the great room for the eventual installation of a big-ass ceiling fan.

Saturday: Working at home on the computer. The same old business of scanning receipts to collect and submit for construction loan draws, and searching for materials and ideas as we continue to go from rough-in to eventual finished aspects. Ordered a central vacuum.

Sunday: Off to Menards on a Sunday morning, with a shopping list of materials needed for Monday, along with browsing interior door options, kitchen cabinets, light fixtures, apppliances and so on…

Categories: Uncategorized


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