Overall: The project is moving forward, although last weeks household relocation continued to steal time from the construction project this week.

Monday: Took a construction day off to get settled into the new leased residence. Kevin helped by providing his truck, to load and trailer my truck from Park Ridge East out to the property. This will allow me to do easily shift back and forth from construction work and vehicle troubleshooting the no start issue.

Tuesday: Kermit and I spent the morning with prep work to pour concrete for the east half of the breezeway and front porch. Left the site after lunch to catch up on project paperwork.

Wednesday: Purchased drywall to be installed along the hallway. Purpose of the drywall is to seal the attic from the living space. The HVAC guys then have an easy task of hanging ductwork to the hallway roof trusses. Finally, wood braces will be installed horizontally just below the HVAC ducting. The slightly lowered ceiling will be completed with finished drywall. This keeps the A/C system in conditioned space (for better efficiency) rather than having the ducting in the hot attic. Constructed bulkheads along the south kitchen wall and the north wall along the great room for the same purpose.

Thursday: More HVAC prep work for Kyle. Mike B brought his tractor with front loader to push my no-start, broken truck into the shop. The very first auto repair project for the shop, and barely a week after getting roof trusses and sheathing installed. Think I will have to remove the fuel tank, which is a lot easier done on a concrete floor… in the shade. Used a jackhammer to bust up a large area of leftover concrete dumped near the house and shop when those 2 slabs were being poured.

Friday: Used Mike’s tractor to scoop up the concrete scrap pieces created yesterday. I dumped all of that material west of the planned deck, to begin raising the grade in that area. It will still be going downhill, but not as severe as the current grade. That area will be part of the fenced backyard for the dogs to play.

Saturday: Visited the site after receiving significant rain overnight. No adverse issues observed with the trusses and decking. Spent the rest of the day, moving stuff around the house to better organize the mountain of moving boxes. Was able to make the spare bedroom operable (although somewhat cramped) to host overnight guests.

Sunday: Out to the site to work on the truck. Fuel tank lowered to access the fuel pump. The fuel pump is getting 12 volts of power. Pump runs with key on and pumps fuel out of the disconnected fuel line at the tank. Disconnected the main fuel line at the tank, midway at the fuel filter and the engine. Used compressed air to blow out the line looking for an obstruction. Air flowed easily through the lines and fuel filter. Reconnected everything turned the key, and… zero fuel pressure. weird. really weird.

Categories: Uncategorized


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