Overall: terrific results from the Amish crew, followed by vehicle issues and the pending relocation from our current leased home to another. Lots and lots of precious time expended, (and not on house construction) to make the move of our household goods a success. Not having the truck to use, was an unexpected kick in the balls. A significant number of hours were spent trying to figure out why my truck will not start. It’s Sunday evening, the move/relocation has been completed, and I have a plan for isolating the root cause of the no start issue.

Monday: A 6 man crew arrived Monday morning to set roof trusses and deck the roofs of the house, shop and breezeway. They rented a large crane to be more productive. First truss was up at 10:00AM. The final truss was set at 2:30. A total of 77 roof trusses. Installing plywood roof sheathing commenced and a sizeable area of the shop was completed before they left for the day.

Tuesday: The day began with a no start from my truck. Quickly went to a spare vehicle to meet the Amish crew, who started on time and worked hard all day. 6600 square feet of roof sheathing installed, along with a rain barrier wrap to protect the plywood from damage due from rain. 4PM and they are done. Amazing…

Wednesday: Spent the morning troubleshooting the truck. Thankfully, it died in the driveway and not enroute to the site. It cranks but will not start or run. Tried a couple things, but no success. Spent the afternoon preparing for Friday’s moving crew, but Iam way behind.

Thursday: Spent most of the day working on the truck. The truck is the most important tool I have for our construction project and our relocation. At the same time, I still have a lot of packing to do. Latest effort was not successful, stayed up late trying to catch up with packing.

Friday: Movers were awesome. Hard working, professional, and friendly. Bought enough pizzas to feed all of them and some leftovers. Still a lot of stuff at the Park Ridge East home that I did not have packed in time.

Saturday: Spent all morning, cleaning up the PRE house and packing up leftover stuff. Spent the afternoon at the new house, getting internet connected and moving furniture and boxes to establish a minimum quality living room and kitchen we can use.

Sunday: Spent most of the day final cleaning and packing the last of our stuff from PRE. Had to rent a small Uhaul truck, by not having my truck for work. At the end of the day – 100% of our stuff is out of the PRE house. Everything else is at the Helmsburg storage unit, the current house, or at dad’s. Will be back at the site on Tuesday. Basically lost a week due to our move/relocation.

Categories: Uncategorized


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