Overall: great progress for a 2-3 person crew. shop exterior framing is 75% complete and house exterior framing is 40%. Rainy weather during the week resulted in lost productivity.

Monday: Saw cut the house concrete slab. Built window headers for the shop. The day was cut short after 3 hours as the result of rain.

Tuesday: Kermit AND Kyle on site today. Now a crew of three old men. We assembled and stood up three (3) 16′ wall panels.

Wednesday: The two brothers are back again today. Three of the four shop building exterior walls are done, still need to build the wall with garage door openings. The material for garage door headers is expected to be delivered tomorrow.

Thursday: Morning rain, resulting in a late AM start. We focused on building wall panels, with the idea of standing up 4 panels on Friday morning. These 4 panels are heavier than the average shop building panel, so have asked a good friend & neighbor (Mike B.) to help us stand them up.

Friday: We have a 4 man crew today, standing up 4 panels for the house. Rest of the day was spent building 3 more panels. We were surprised by a pop up thunderstorm during the early afternoon. We heard, then saw a fast approaching wall of hard rain. Ran for cover in our vehicles. 15 minutes later: 5/8 inch of rain in the gauge at the site. The construction site is once again… a muddy, muddy mess. Just before the rain, we discovered an error on the drawing for kitchen window layout that simply cannot be built as drawn. Will study the problem at home this evening.

Saturday: Met Kermit at the site to go over a solution for the kitchen window problem. The floorplan drawing we rely on is scaled (1/4″ = 1 foot). The drawing depicts four (4) closely spaced windows that are drawn to be 36 inches wide. The problem: we ordered 42 inch wide windows. When we marked the window layout on the concrete slab; the 4th window extended into the next room ! The solution: kitchen will utilize 3 windows with a small increase in mullion width between windows to achieve the same required overall length of length of glass along the kitchen wall. The “extra” window will now be utilized on the north wall of the great room. Root cause: We have changed & updated the floorplan drawing MANY times over the past year. An example of missed communication between me and the person doing the CAD work for us.

Sunday: Dropped off boards purchased yesterday, needed on Monday morning to build window headers. Rest of the day spent working on household relocation.

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