Overall – a productive week. Summer heat (90’s & humid) started Monday through Friday.

Monday: rented a tractor w/front loader. Spent the day moving and spreading several loads of gravel fill. The west side of the house and shop are out of the ground about 5 feet, and thus need – A LOT – of fill material.

Tuesday: more truck loads of gravel and more moving and spreading fill stone. Kitchen area of the house is finally high enough to install the 6″ diameter PVC duct that will route air from the downdraft cooktop vent from the kitchen island to the west wall. Current level of the stone fill for the house footprint is within 8″ of the final floor height. Plumbers arrive tomorrow to dig trenches for burial of the plumbing sewer, drains and vents.

Wednesday: Plumbers on the job site, starting on house plumbing. Kermit and I are working on the shop building, bringing more loads of stone, which means more moving and spreading material.

Thursday: Plumbing rough-in continues. Used the picnic table at the site as a mobile office, calling concrete contractors, updating the expense tracker excel spreadsheet and answering questions from the plumbers.

Friday: plumbers working on sewer, drain and wate plumbing to eventually be buried under the concrete floors. Menards contacted me: my online order for (145) 4’by 8′ sheets of rigid foam board arrived today.

Saturday: Fedex delivered all of the materials for the slab hydronic heat system. Mowed the property at 6619, mowed dad’s yard and Paul Fitch’s yard while he remains in Florida.

Sunday: met Joe & Ralph Landrey at 6619 today. We bored holes in the north and south house foundation walls and the south shop stem wall for the electric service conduit/wire. Have already purchased the materials for 2″ electrical conduit pipe and fittings. Waiting for the plumber to complete their work before installing the electric conduit.

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