Overall: The Hoosier-monsoon continues, but through persistence and some luck; we managed to get some things done.

Monday: The house footer trench is a muddy mess, but no standing water. Decided we could get the trench cleaned up, dried out, rebar & stem forms installed; to pour concrete on Tuesday, so immediately called for concrete and were advised – they were already fully booked for Tuesday, but could extend their day and send us a truck after 5PM. We accepted.

Tuesday: We completed trench preparation by early afternoon, then spent the afternoon sitting around on a nice sunny day. Concrete truck arrived at 6:00PM and we completed leveling the concrete and installing rebar dowels by 7:30. Worn out after a long day, but very pleased we have footers poured for both buildings.

Wednesday: Light rain overnight. Visited the site very early. Called Kermit and decided to wait until afternoon to remove forms and transfer the building corners onto the fresh concrete. Back at home, was called by the mason telling me a truck was heading to the site with blocks, sand and mortar. Nelson asked if I could meet the truck to show him where to unload. Told Nelson about our success with concrete the previous evening, so he called the supplier to bring the additional materials needed for the house.

Thursday: An inch and a half of rain overnight. The site is a wet muddy quagmire. BUT – we have concrete in both footer trenches and enough concrete blocks, sand and bags of mortar for Nelson and crew to construct the foundation stem wall for both buildings !

Friday: more rain overnight, albeit with a favorable weekend weather forecast to dry things out. Kermit and I scooped mud out of the shop footer and thoroughly cleaned it with a garden hose. The house footer is still pretty clean. Nelson came out to visit and told us he planned to begin stacking concrete blocks on Monday. Carole and I departed after lunch to spend the holiday weekend in Olathe with Travis, Alex, spouses and grandkids.

Saturday & Sunday: an enjoyable weekend with a break from the project. Eager to return home on Monday to see Nelson’s progress.

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