Overall – disappointing amount of progress as the result of continued rain. Only good thing from the past week is a cute picture for this post. A couple box turtles fell into our footer trap – found them on the day we poured concrete for the shop.

Monday – ground was too wet and muddy to start digging footer trenches. It’s a warm sunny day, so will try again tomorrow

Tuesday – rented an excavater and Kermit dug 180 linear feet of trench. Did not dig at the east wall so a concrete truck can drive to the west trench inside the house footprint. The plan is to install rebar and step forms on Wednesday morning and maybe get a concrete truck late in the same day. Taking a calculated risk because of forecasted rain, but we are at a standstill until we excavate dirt.

Wednesday – light rain overnight and all day. Spent the day meeting with the plumber, Bender lumber (placed the order for roof trusses), and visited the Plywood King – a local source for salvaged rigid foam board insulation. Rain ended late in the day – traveled to the site to pump out the standing water in the trench

Thursday – bright sunny day. hoping it will be dry enough on Friday to place rebar and forms and pour concrete. Used the free time to mow the property for the first time. Thunderstorms arrived in the early evening, dumping an inch of rain.

Friday – really too wet. spent the day working on other projects around the house.

Saturday – up early to bend and cut rebar, also get the step forms placed in the trench. All of the rebar is ready to install. Severe thunderstorms overnight. Lucky to only have 1/2″ of rain at 6619.

Sunday – early to Menards for “sleeves” followed by several hours at 6619 to improve both trenches – pumping and bailing water from the house trench, so we can install rebar and pour concrete before Wednesday when we are supposed to get more rain. Also worked on the shop trench with concrete already poured. Poured that concrete almost 2 weeks ago, and the rain has caused mud to encroach onto the working surface of the footer. Our mason is supposed to begin on Tuesday (May 24).

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