Second verse… same as the first !

Credit to Herman’s Hermits for the reference above. The tune ? Henery the 8th I am. In this example; I could have gone with: Groundhog Day, because this week has been the same as the previous – 4 weeks – with relentless rain.

Overall: no need to make a paragraph for each day of the week – it was a miserable wet & rainy week, from Monday through Saturday morning. Once the rain abated overnight Friday, with lingering sprinkles, overcast and cool temperatures on Saturday morning – I went out to the site to remove all standing water in the shop’s footer trenches. No time to waste because the 10 day forecast is for sunny and hot weather. It took about 5 hours to pump out every puddle of standing water. Along the west wall of the shop (60 feet) there was standing water from end to end and about 8 inches deep at the north end. After getting everything possible from pumping, I commenced to bailing remaining water puddles as dry as practical.

My efforts on Saturday, were rewarded 24 hours later when I visited the site late Sunday afternoon. Sunday was warm, sunny and breezy. No water to be found, still a lot of sloppy mud in the bottom of the trenches, but we will begin anew on Monday morning with the goal of getting concrete poured, hopefully mid-week.

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