Overall – Not much progress to declare this week as a result of the significant amount of rain from last weekend.

Monday – The thunderstorm last Sunday and Monday, resulted in 2″ of rain. The site is a super muddy mess. I made a tactical decision to return the backhoe we were renting. The 7 day weather forecast looks the same as last week, with the possibility of rain mid-week and the weekend. The weekly rental cost for the backhoe is expensive, and worth it – when the machine is being utilized. We need to see a break in the current weather pattern, with 6-7 days of dry weather. Drove to Odon IN to visit the roof truss manufacturer to review our drawings and see what production lead times they are currently experiencing.

Tuesday – Went to the site to setup and run an electric pump to get the standing water out of the footer tenches. I removed a considerable amount of rain water…

Wednesday: Returned to the site to remove all of the rebar that was partially (or completely) buried in the muddy mess of footer trenches. Rain predicted overnight. Was pleased that while it did rain, the overnight accumulation was 0.1 inch. Thank goodness !

Thursday: spent the day at home on the computer working on additional construction details. Developing a detailed critical path plan, researching various materials and options, etc.

Friday: Visited Kevin to show him all of the various construction drawing updates I need. A number of minor changes to the floorplan, some clerical errors pointed out by the truss manufacturer. Also need to callout dimensions on the drawing so the the plumber and electrician can accurately locate where everything should be – so when concrete slab/floor is finally in place; all of the various roughed-in utilities – are where we expect them to be when wall framing begins.

Saturday: more desk and computer time on construction details. Also accomplished much needed vehicle maintenance/repair on the truck. Like last Saturday – weather was predicted to have possible severe weather. Unlike last weekend (and 2″ inches of rain) – we only received 0.2″ this time. There were several waves of scattered storms from 6PM to midnight, ample thunder and lightning, but the rain missed us. Once more – thank goodness !

Sunday: took dead limbs out to the site and to see how wet or dry the trenches are. Spent the day getting organized – in the office and the garage. Working through a backlog of paper piled on my desk, either filing in the trash, or putting in the appropriate file folder. I have allowed the garage to become a mess, because I’ve been preoccupied with construction stuff, and so was not putting things away. Makes me crazy when my stuff is disorganized – so today was the day to get things back in order. Also reviewing the current list of windows contemplated so we can get them on order very soon. There are long lead times right now. Even though we are barely underway, need to factor in the extended lead time so we have the windows when we finally need them. I fabricated a simple jig for the purpose of quickly and accurately placing vertical rebar dowels. When we are pouring concrete for the footers, once the level of concrete is “on grade” we will then place the dowels 48″ on center in the wet concrete. Dowel placement is critical to avoid making the mason unhappy when he is stacking concrete blocks.

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