It’s March 31st. I’ll admit being mildly frustrated that we still have not begun digging trenches to pour foundation footers. Not surprising: my infrequent bouts of subdued frustration, oddly coincide whenever we have been teased with a day or two of warm and sunny weather. The various reasons we are delayed, are legitimate and not caused by grievous mistakes or lousy decisions. The (crummy) weather continues to be problematic, and the continued high demand in the construction industry has also been a factor. So I’m being patient and it hasn’t been difficult, because; I didn’t make it to retirement, so I could work outside…during cold winter weather…in muddy conditions. I am happy to sip coffee, while searching the internet for home construction strategies, choosing building materials and discovering ideas to make this home exactly what we want it to be.

The good news:

I believe we will be able to get started in the next couple weeks. The local company that rents/leases the type of excavation equipment we need, called yesterday to say a couple machines were returning from leases and would be available to us very soon. As a backup plan, I met with three different excavation contractors a couple weeks ago, seeking quotes and timing for when they could begin. Two of the three are available in a couple weeks. Their bids are reasonable and not much more than the cost of renting an excavator and doing the trenching ourselves. Of course, the weather is unpredictable so will just have to wait and see.

Once we get underway, and have real progress to share – will post to this blog more frequently.

Categories: Uncategorized


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