When Kenny was scraping the topsoil from the building footprint a few weeks ago, he found our water meter. No damage done, but Kenny didn’t see it until he felt his excavator bucket strike the meter box lid, because it was hidden under a thin layer of topsoil & sod. The water meter location ? Smack dab in the middle of where I plan to construct a 40′ by 60′ shop ! Not good… not good at all. The discovery effectively put a halt to our plans of digging footer trenches.

I have always thought our water meter was on our property, near the south property line and the state highway, but in August – I learned it is actually the water meter for our neighbor to the south. I had arrived at our property and noticed someone had dug up the meter box and replaced the water meter. I called and asked them why they were digging up my meter base and they said – nope, not your water meter, it belongs to your neighbor. Over the next couple months, I walked our property several times and never found it.

So… after Kenny’s discovery, I called the rural water utility to explain that I found my water meter, but it’s location was problematic. The guy they dispatched was very familiar with the area and offered this thanks. He told me they have been looking for our meter (as part of an audit) without success.

Problem is – we can’t start digging trenches for footers until the meter is relocated outside the building footprint, and figuring out if any other utility water mains are under the building site.

That activity was completed today. Meter relocated, with no additional piping under the construction site.

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